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Category: Canine Health and Breeding

  1. Canine First Aid: What To Have In Your Kit

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    First Aid Teddy Bear

    When you go down to the woods today, will you be in for a big surprise? Hopefully not, but would you be prepared if something untoward were to happen to your dog whilst out on your walk? If he were to slip a leg through an animal hole and sprain/break a leg, wound himself on a piece of mislaid barbed wire or get a splinter in his eye, would you know what to do and would you have a suitable first aid kit to hand to help your dog before you could get to a vet, if necessary? Here I discuss a few things that you should think about popping into the car next time you head out.

  2. Is Rescuing Dogs From Abroad Doing More Harm Than Good?

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    Street Dog Abroad

    It can't have escaped many people's notice that more and more dogs are being rescued from abroad and brought to the UK, but is this doing more harm than good? Why the increase though? Is it because it's cheaper, people are seeing dogs on their holidays, social media has brought more of these dogs to people's attention, or is it because it's simply easier than rescuing from within the UK? If this is the case, is it really a good thing, or should we be asking more questions and looking at what exactly we're bring onto our shores?